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Help:Wiki markup

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Wiki Markup

Mediawiki formatting is very easy. Please find below a comprehensive table to understand its basic rules. A toolbar in edit mode will permit some formatting tasks automation. Look for more details in mediawiki official help.

Character (inline) formatting – applies anywhere

You type:

'''''bold and italic'''''
bold and italic
<s>strike text</s>
strike text
<nowiki>escape wiki ''markup''</nowiki>
escape wiki ''markup''

Paragraph formatting

Make sure you start each line in column 1 with no leading spaces. If you want to start a new paragraph, just leave a blank line:

'''Paragraph1'''. On the first day of the first month shalt thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation. 

'''Paragraph2'''. Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. But Nadab and Abihu died before their father, and had no children: therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office.

Will look as:

Paragraph1. On the first day of the first month shalt thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation.

Paragraph2. Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. But Nadab and Abihu died before their father, and had no children: therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office.

Section formatting – only at the beginning of the line

Headings of different levels

Put title text on a line with equals signs on the beginning and end. The more equals signs, the less significant your text will look (You can't go beyond six).

= Levels. I am a Level One =
== Level 2 == 
=== Level 3 ===
==== Level 4 ==== 
===== Level 5 ===== 
====== Level 6 ======

See result here...

Bullet list

You can have lists of items that begin with bullets like this:

 * This is a bulletted list
 * This is the second item in the list
 ** With two asterisks you get a list-within-a-list
 ** This is the second item in that inner list
 * And this is back to the main list again

Which looks like this:

  • This is a bulletted list
  • This is the second item in the list
    • With two asterisks you get a list-within-a-list
    • This is the second item in that inner list
  • And this is back to the main list again

Numbered list

For numbered lists, use a '#' instead of the '*' symbol:

 # This is a numbered list
 # This is the second item in the list
 ## With two hash marks you get a list-within-a-list
 ## This is the second item in that inner list
 # And this is back to the main list again

Which looks like this:

  1. This is a numbered list
  2. This is the second item in the list
    1. With two hash marks you get a list-within-a-list
    2. This is the second item in that inner list
  3. And this is back to the main list again

Mixed list

And you can mix the two previous:

 * This is a bulletted list
 *# Which has a numbered list inside it
 *# This is the second numbered item.
 * And this is back to the bulletted list
  • This is a bulletted list
    1. Which has a numbered list inside it
    2. This is the second numbered item.
  • And this is back to the bulletted list

Be carefull, in all lists blank lines will end the list and start another.

Definition list

Yet another kind of list is a 'definition list' which has words or short phrases followed by their definitions:

 ;Antidisestablismentarianism : The longest word in the english language.
 ;A : One of the shortest words.
 ;I before E except after C : A rule that only sometimes works.

...comes out as:

The longest word in the english language.
One of the shortest words.
I before E except after C
A rule that only sometimes works.

Indent text

You can indent a paragraph by starting it with a colon (':') - you can double indent it with two colons and so on. However, if you put a line break in your text, the indentation level is reset to zero.

  This is not indented.
  : This is indented once
  :: This is indented twice
  ::: Three times!
  : Back to once
  Not at all.

Looks like:

This is not indented.
This is indented once
This is indented twice
Three times!
Back to once
Not at all.

Preformatted text

If you start a line with one or more space characters, it is assumed to be some sort of example code or something. It comes out in a fixed-pitch font, surrounded with a line box.

 Like this!

So it's important not to put extra spaces on the beginnings of lines. Some markup can be done in this mode, as well:

 Start each line with a space.
 Text is '''preformatted''' and
 ''markups'' '''''can''''' be done.

will give you:

Start each line with a space.
Text is preformatted and
markups can be done.

Linking to other pages

Making links is the basic technique for setting relations between various pages. Embedded in your wiki text the links represent a kind of dispersed navigation menu, allowing readers to go deeper or to jump aside to the pre-linked page. The tool you need are square brackets: [ and ].

Internal Links

Links to the pages of the same wiki are considered as internal ones. Embrace the page name with double square brackets and you will get a simple link. The code [[Main Page]] will give you a link Main Page. The link to existing page is blue and the link to non-existing page is red: DoNotCreatePagesWithUnpleasantNamesLikeThisOne.

Introducing internal links to desired pages into your text you are actually planning the wiki content! Red links created manually on other pages appear in the system wide list of wanted pages.

You are able to embed a link seamlessly in any context using pipe syntax | that changes the visible text of the link. The code [[Main Page|seamlessly embedded]] will give you a link which text is seamlessly embedded. Take note, that the link is pointing to the page named Main Page and not to Seamlessly embedded.

External Links

Links to any URL are considered as external ones. Use single square brackets and space to create external links. The code [ external link] will result in external link to a given site. Note, that the first space symbol separates the url from the visible text of the link.