Error in widget BackToTop: unable to write file /var/www/html/w/extensions/Widgets/compiled_templates/wrt670f7dcbc98627_17774110

Media statistics

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Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
text/csv.csv3 (10.7%)272,738 bytes (266 KB; 11.1%)

Total file size for this section: 272,738 bytes (266 KB; 11.1%).

Drawings (vector images)

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/svg+xml.svg1 (3.57%)64,595 bytes (63 KB; 2.62%)

Total file size for this section: 64,595 bytes (63 KB; 2.62%).

Bitmap images

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/png.png, .apng18 (64.3%)1,821,177 bytes (1.74 MB; 73.8%)
image/jpeg.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe6 (21.4%)309,231 bytes (302 KB; 12.5%)

Total file size for this section: 2,130,408 bytes (2.03 MB; 86.3%).

All files

Total file size for all files: 2,467,741 bytes (2.35 MB).